
Aug 2, 2021
Student Minds – University Mental Health: Life in a Pandemic​
Throughout 2020 and 2021, higher education communities have faced a range of unique and wide-reaching challenges resulting from the...

Jul 29, 2021
The Student Room - How students are feeling and how to communicate with them
The Student Room has released a thought provoking webinar looking at what more needs to be done to understand student needs and mental...

Jul 27, 2021
Disabled Students’ Commission - New guidance for disabled applicants to degree apprenticeships
The Disabled Students’ Commission has launched, new guidance for disabled applicants for degree apprenticeships This guide designed to...

Jun 24, 2021
UCAS - Starting the conversation, UCAS Report on Student Mental Health
We know that the lockdowns and uncertainty have had an impact on most peoples mental health. But this isn't a new issue, mental health...

Jun 21, 2021
The Reclaim Report - A Student Analysis On Sexual Misconduct Policies
We had the honour last week, of helping host the launch of the Reclaim the Campus Report. The student led report is designed to address...

May 12, 2021
A new Times Higher Education Consultancy report examines the state of digital literacy across the UK
A recent report from the Times Higher Education (THE) examining the state of digital literacy across the UK and its importance to...

Apr 12, 2021
OFS - Consistency needed: Care experienced students and higher education
The Office for Students has looked into the support given to students who have experience of care. Going to university can transform the...

Mar 1, 2021
New campaign gives tools to respond to sexual violence disclosures
The Galway Daily has a great article on the new national campaign that launches today; advising students on how to best support their...

Feb 15, 2021
Student Crowd - Student reviews tell the story of 2020… and it’s not as bad as you might think!
It has been a difficult year for students, we have all seen the stories in the press of Covid Parties and Students paying rent when they...

Feb 9, 2021
Blackbullion - Students’ thoughts on help from support staff this term
Blackbullion the learning platform that helps students develop essential money skills for life. They have released an interesting report...