
ProtectED Principles
The ProtectED Code of Practice and accreditation process is based on five key principles. By joining ProtectED, institutions are committing to adopting these principles within their policies, structures, processes and culture as part of a multi-agency approach to student safety, security and wellbeing.
We acknowledge that students cannot reach their full potential when impeded by issues affecting their safety, security and wellbeing.
We acknowledge that higher education institutions have a duty to develop and implement appropriate policies, processes and procedures that support student safety, security and wellbeing. Therefore:
We commit to delivering policies, processes and procedures that: address staff and student safety and security; promote student wellbeing and mental health; assist international students; tackle student harassment and sexual assault; and facilitate safety off campus.
We commit to ensuring availability of appropriate resources to deliver our policies, processes and procedures.
We acknowledge that ensuring the safety, security and wellbeing of students requires a ‘joined-up’ approach across the student experience, and that partnership working is essential. Therefore:
We commit to adopting an integrated approach to the delivery of student safety, security and wellbeing across all areas of the institution impacting the student experience, and demand commitment and action from all levels of the organisation.
We commit to effective collaboration with relevant external stakeholders (including local authorities, health services, police and emergency services) to address issues related to student safety, security and wellbeing.
We acknowledge the role of all higher education staff and students in nurturing a positive, caring and inclusive learning environment for all students in the institution. Therefore:
​We commit to effective training and education of our staff, and ensuring all staff can adequately support our students.
We commit to the provision of information on safety, security and wellbeing to our student population, encouraging peer-to-peer support and fostering a culture of mutual responsibility between students.
We acknowledge that effectively tackling issues of student safety, security and wellbeing requires well-founded intelligence. Therefore:
We commit to implementing appropriate strategies, processes and systems to encourage the reporting of incidents.
We commit to appropriate and thorough incident recording and data collection, regular monitoring and review, and effective governance oversight.
We commit to the formal sharing of appropriate data internally between institutional services and, where relevant, with external stakeholders, whilst respecting privacy and human rights.
We commit to collecting and analysing data on performance and outcomes to support the improvement of relevant processes and services impacting student safety, security and wellbeing.