A call-out to UK universities: Help NUS Alcohol Impact build a national picture of student drinking
National students and alcohol survey 2017: Each year we ask institutions and students’ unions involved in NUS Alcohol Impact to promote a survey to their students’ to enable us to build a picture of student attitudes and experiences linked to alcohol consumption, and also to track long term trends in alcohol related attitudes and behaviours.
This year we want to be able to compare the data for those involved in Alcohol Impact against the national picture.
Therefore we need some institutions and students’ unions not involved in Alcohol Impact to promote the survey to their student population. In return for promoting the survey, we would offer you free local statistics for some of the key questions. This could help you to make the case for your institution to join Alcohol Impact in the future and/or offer a useful insight into your student population’s alcohol consumption.
If you are interested please ensure you can commit to promoting the survey to try to get a good response rate between 06 November and 19 December 2017. If you are keen to be involved in this opportunity contact Lucy Henry, Alcohol Impact Programme Manager, by 18 September.
NB -
NUS will host the survey. Please view the survey used last year, alongside the report we produced. Also provided is guidance on promoting the survey at your institution.
Alcohol Impact operates as a partnership approach with both the students’ union and institution working on the programme together. Therefore in most cases those involved in the programme will usually promote the survey through both students’ union and institution channels. If this suits locally you could also do this but it’s not a requirement to be part of this opportunity.
We will send the survey link and some marketing materials (Facebook/Twitter formatted graphics) which you can use to promote the survey the week before it opens.
There is an incentive for students’ completing the survey (explained in this guidance document).
For more information on the NUS Alcohol Impact scheme, see Lucy's guest blog, here.
Indicator 1.3 of the Student Night Out Instrument of the ProtectED Code of Practice requires accredited universities to be working towards achieving NUS Alcohol Impact accreditation.
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