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Lisa Ravenscroft

All Bets Are Off – Gambling & The Chinese Community

With a third lockdown

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In April the 'All Bets Are Off' podcast was created as a gambling addiction recovery podcast. They cover a large range of gambling support and personal experiences during their discussions, everything from recovery stories to wanting positive change and re-form.

We thought their newest episode Gambling & The Chinese Community, would be of great interest. This podcast edition features Dr Edward Kwan who was the first specialist certified gambling counsellor in Hong Kong SAR and Kent Woo who has served the Asian American community for more than 30 years, the last 20 as the executive director of NICOS Chinese Health Coalition, a San Francisco-based public-private-community partnership of more than 30 health and human service organisations. They talk through the gambling harm risk-factors and vulnerabilities of the Chinese community, including gaps in research and recommendations on how things can be improved.

As part of the Podcast they look in detail into Students from China and their Gambling habits, which could inform welcome information that universities provide new students with.

Take a look at the 'All Bets Are Off' website for more information and the full list of podcasts.



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