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Mental Health Foundation – Moving more is good for our mental health, so what's stopping us?

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Today sees the start of  #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek it is great to see that moving more is the theme for this year. I know that walking my dogs has a great impact on me, especially when I take them in the local woods. It can be hard to get started, but so rewarding, going for a walk with your friend instead of meeting for a coffee is a great start, it's free and chatting and walking is perfect, especially for talking about problems as its easier to share problems when you are not making eye contact. 

The Mental Health Foundation have published a report looking into how Mental Health can be supported through exercise, they also look at what people think would encourage them to move more, the highest at 42% is the weather, which unfortunately in the UK is not something we can change. You can read the full report here.



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