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Lisa Ravenscroft

ProtectED Reflections – Digital Poverty – Students left behind

On Thursday 29 April 2021 at 11.00 GMT, we held our second ProtectED Reflections webinar of 2021, Digital Poverty – Students left behind - How a lack of access to a core digital infrastructure risks disruption and failure for some students

We were very pleased to welcome our speakers for this event:

  • Lesley O'Keeffe Registrar at Brunel University London, a ProtectED Founder Member institution, and AMMOSHE Executive Member

  • Mhairi Underwood Head of Student Voice and Diversity at The Student Room Group, the largest online engagement platform for students in the UK.

The event discussed: The impact of digital poverty on student retention, exploring measures that can reduce the risk of students leaving their courses early. Our speakers will also share their thoughts, insights and recommendations for future developments in university support.

The recording of this event can now be viewed on the ProtectED YouTube channel (see above). If you have any questions about this event or the issues discussed, please contact Lisa Ravenscroft at



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