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The Guardian - Bristol University loses appeal over suicide of disabled student on exam day

We have been following closely the progress of the call for a Duty of Care and the case of Natasha Abrahart.

This week it has been reported that the University of Bristol has lost its bid to overturn the ruling that it discriminated against Natasha Abrahart.

This is a step in the right direction, but it is unclear how this will influence the push for universities to have to; provide a Duty of Care, as the family of Natasha Abrahart asked the judge to rule on whether the university owed Natasha a duty of care under the law of negligence. He declined to do so as the “issue is one of potentially wide application and significance”.

You can read the full article here.

Lisa Ravenscroft – Communications Manager for ProtectED. You can contact me on: m: +44 (0)7889 933034 or at

Twitter: @ProtectED_HEI

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