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Lisa Ravenscroft

Universities UK – Changing the culture: Tackling staff-to-student sexual misconduct

As part of our Code of Practice, we guide universities to take prevention of sexual misconduct seriously.

We have worked with The 1752 Group and McAllister Olivarius for years to bring changes to the way in which universities work. Fortunately our Founder Member universities have taken this seriously and are working towards making their students safer, UCL a ProtectED Founder Member made the papers as they banned intimate relationships between staff and their students in 2020.

Not all universities are taking this seriously, so it is great to see Universities UK, have also seen that this problem is not going to go away and have released guidance, for universities on how to prevent and respond to these cases, which we gladly endorse, as they cover some of the changes we require universities to make.

ProtectED covers the full student journey and looks at how security, wellbeing and safety all go hand in hand. We encourage all universities to look at our Code of Practice and see how they can improve all areas of their students' experiences. You can read the Universities UK Report here.



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