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University World News - All change. Have UK universities actually dodged a bullet?

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The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) report was released recently, and there was no surprise that it showed if we reduce the time students are permitted to stay in the UK, after their graduation, we would be going completely against the recommendations of this report.

Recently there have been a whole host of misconceptions regarding international students, from them stealing home students places to them being a drain on the UK'S resources, which as each cohort of international students generates around £41.9 billion to the UK is clearly untrue. But with changes to the student route planned and an election on the horizon, what can this mean for International Students in the UK, is it just a stay of execution, University World News in an article written by Louise Nicol - Asia Careers Group SDN BHD has taken a look at how this is has gone for Australia and Canada. You can read the full article here.



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