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News + Comment

Lisa Ravenscroft

WONKHE - Where is the line between tailoring and universality in mental health support?

WONKHE, have written an article looking at the standard of mental health support that is given to students.

It is true that support from universities can differ wildly, as we have spoken about often, the article does include some alarming stats on the support given, and in some cases, signposting the support available.

The article does say there are no standards which I would disagree with as we created our Code of Practice looking at the full student student experience in 2017, which includes a specific section on Student Wellbeing and Mental health, which covers everything from prevention, and provision, to availability.

It is great to know that our Founder Member Universities go above and beyond what is required. If you would like to look at your provision and wan't to make sure your students are as supported as they can be, then take a look at our website. You can read the full article by the WONKHE here.



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